September 23, 2012

F1 Singtel Grid Girl 2012

Despite busy studying for my exams, I made the effort to take part in 2012's F1 as a grid girl as I heard that 2012 is the last year already. Even though I was never a car or race lover, this event had been a heart melting experience for me!! Imagine how I felt when I was just a few cm away from the god damn big car. I turned my head around and my heart melted right on the spot, I fell in love!!

Day 1
This was where we were held during the whole event. The aircon blasted full force!! It was damn cooling coz the sun was burning our skin. But aft some time we were shivering like hell..

My breakfast

Day 2
We had to walk a very looooong way to get to the location due to all the blockages, when the actual location is just 5mins away..

Our feet were full of blisters and pain, but I hereby declared this was the best event I've worked for for the whole of my modeling career!! Enjoyed myself to the max!!

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